equicty offers the stable every freedom to create different users and give access to your platform. You can grant the user certain rights in order to provide access to the different work modules within equicty (health, training, finance, media, sports etc). You can also set up the language, user level, access rights and type of messages per user.

Who can manage Users in equicty?

  • User with the right "Administrator". An administrator is the only type of user who has access to the "settings"!

What type of user levels are there?

  1. "Administrator", as Admin you have access to the settings of the platform
  2. "Guest", as a Guest you do not have access to the settings but to the work modules that the Administrator has given access to
  3. "Owner", as an Owner you do not have access to the settings but to the work modules that the Administrator has given access to, with restriction to the horses to which he is fully or partially the owner.

What can you do with Users?

  1. Create a user
  2. Remove a user
  3. Temporarily deactivate a user
  4. Reset password of your user
  5. As a user you can reset your password yourself

1. Create a user

  1. Go to Settings > Users >
  2. The fields with a red asterisk are mandatory.
    • E-mail of the user
    • User level
    • Language of the user
    • User name
    • If the user is a staff member, select the person member profile. Stable group field will be entered automatically.
    • Indicate at the sliders which work modules the user may have access to
    • Indicate which type of notifications the user may receive
    • Click 'Save'

When you 'Save' an invitation will automatically be sent to the e-mail address of the user. The invitation contains the username and a link to a web page where the user can set his personal password. Attention the link will automatically expire after 24h.

2. Remove a user
Go to Settings > Users > Click next to the desired user.

3. Temporarily deactivate the user

They are two ways to deactivate users.

  1. Go to Settings > Users > Select Suspended at the user you want to deactivate
  2. Go to Settings > Users > click on your user > denote Suspended > Click 'Save'

4. Reset password of your user

An administrator can reset a password via Settings > Users >

5. As a user you can reset your password yourself

A user can change her/his password.
After logging in via https://portal.equicty.com he can change his password via his own profile settings > change password

Via the login page https://portal.equicty.com the user can reset and reset his current password via "forgotten password"

>>>For more information about controlling advanced users permissions click here