Everything in equicty starts with your CRM. All tasks, appointments, invoices, media, competitions, etc. that you add will be linked to a specific horse, owner, employee or contact. One of the first steps when you start is setting up your CRM. In this article you will find out in which ways you can add horses. Do you also want to add owners? This article will help you on your way. If you also want to add staff members, the next article will certainly help you!
Their are different ways to add horses in equicty:
- Adding horses manually
- Adding horses via HorseTelex integration
1. Add horses manually
The first option is to add horses one by one via the manual entries.
- Go to Profiles and then go to the Horses tab.
- Click on
in the top right corner and select 'Manual entry'.
- An empty profile window appears. Now you can enter the necessary identification data of the horse. Only 'name' and 'owner' are mandatory fields as you can see from the red asterisk. See below what else is possible!
- Save your data by clicking on 'save'
2. Adding horses via HorseTelex
The second option is to add horses one by one via HorseTelex integration! Learn more about HorseTelex, this article tells you more!
- Go to Profiles and then go to the Horses tab.
- Click on
in the right upper corner and select 'HORSETELEX'.
- A search window appears. Please search your horse by name or combination of name and other specific search fields such as father, mother, age, etc. If your horse appears in the list click to save it in your list of horses. If the horse can not be found in the HorseTelex database you can still make the horse according to the above manual entry.
- Open the profile of the horse in question and now you can enter further necessary identification data of the horse. Only 'name' and 'owner' are mandatory fields as you can see from the red asterisk. See below what else is possible!
- Save your data by clicking on 'save'
In both cases above you still have other possibilites to:
- add additional owners via
. Important to know is that when adding multiple owners their participation% can be determined in expenses. Namely:% ownership /% general costs /% match costs /% prize money. The sum of each type of expenditure on the different owners must be 100%. When adding expenses to horses, the expenses will immediately be split according to the% participation per owner and then booked on the outstanding expenses of the owners. More information about expenses can be found in this article.
- Furthermore, you still have the possibility;
- add a profile photo of the staff member via 'add photo'. A profile picture can also be added via the mobile app. Profiles > Staff > Camera icon > Gallery or Camera
- Enter an FEI passport expiry date. Equicty will send each user a reminder / notification x days before the expiry of the FEI passport. The reminder date (x days) can be determined in the general settings > Task Manager > General
- Pedigree can be completed via the pedigree symbol.
If your horse is linked via HorseTelex, the HorseTelex symbol
will appear. As soon as you click this symbol the pedigree will automatically appear from HorseTelex.
- To configure a horse profile:
Active - Horse can be actively managed in equicty, taking into account the further selections below
Training and Sport, the horse can be actively used in the Training & Sport module
Health, the horse can be actively managed in the health module
Breeding, the horse will be actively managed in the breeding module
Show tasks of this horse on the dashboard
Secure the horse on the dashboard. Even if there aren't tasks planned for the active week, the horse will appear on the dashboard
Put the horse 'public'. With this, you can activate a link to share horse profiles with third parties. If you have the website API feature (your website is connected to equicty) you can share public information of the horse on your website.