In equicty, you can create a health task in different ways and places. Health tasks can be created per individual horse or multiple horses in parallel. Every task can be assigned to a staff member who is responsible for the task. Furthermore, you can plan tasks over a period of days, period of the day (tomorrow, morning, afternoon, etc.), per time, etc. With the advanced settings you can schedule reminders per task as repetitive periods! You can also link products/services to your tasks so that these costs automatically appear in the open costs account of the owner. Read more about open costs and the link to the administration in the following article.

  1. Via Dashboard
  2. Via the Diary

1. Via Dashboard

To create a health task per horse, navigate to Dashboard.

  • click on
  • Click on Health icon
  • A new window opens
    • Choose an action (or multiple actions)
    • Select one or more horses in the right table (optional: you can add a priority of the action per horse)
    • Select the staff member responsible for this task
    • Determine the start and end date of the activity. (*)
    • optional: indicate the period or time:
      • Select a period of the day (morning, morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening)
      • plan at a specific time > period > select 'other'> set a hour
    • optional: Add task information or task description
    • Click "Save"

2. Via the Diary

To create a health task per horse, navigate to the Diary module.

Select the horse on which you want to create a task in the top table

  • Click on a day of the (monthly) calendar or via the
  • A new window opens
    • Choose an action (or multiple actions)
    • Select the staff member responsible for this task
    • Determine the start and end date of the activity. (*)
    • optional: indicate the period or time:
      • Select a period of the day (morning, morning, afternoon, afternoon, evening)
      • plan at a specific time > period > select 'other' > set a hour
    • optional: Add task information or task description
    • Click "Save"

Advanced settings: At the bottom of the task you can go to the advance settings via advanced;

  • Set a reminder period: for each specific action, a reminder period can be set in days. Equicty will send the person in charge of the task a reminder x days before the scheduled task. Where x is the reminder period.
  • Recurrence period: for each specific action, a recurrency period can be set in days. In doing so, equicty will automatically propose to plan a new task in the future when confirming the execution of an already scheduled task. The new task will be booked in the planning y days later. Where y the recurrency period.
  • Products: You can link one or more products or services from your task so that the cost of these products and/or services will be transferred to the owner's account after having saved the task in "open costs". Read more about "open costs" and the link to the administration in the following article.


  • (*) If the start and end date is spread over several days then the checkmark "copy task" will be active by default. "Copy task" active means that an individual task will be planned daily over the planned period. If you put "copy task" inactive then one task will be spread over the entire period of the activity!