equicty allows the user to have their horses appear in a certain order on their dashboard. The order you can choose are the following:

  • Order horses alphabetically by name
  • Order horses according to their age with the oldest at the top
  • Sort horses according to their box number
  • Group horses by stable group
  • Group horses according to their 'responsable person'

How to change order on the portal

  1. Login to portal.equicty.com
  2. Click on the dashboard module
  3. Select the option you want via the drop-down selection field
  4. The order of the horses will be automatically adjusted

How to adjust order on the mobile app

Attention: With the mobile app you cannot change the order of the horses directly on the mobile app itself, but you have to log in with the same user/login data from the app on portal.equicty.com and adjust the order as described above before it will appear on the app in this order as well.

  1. Login to portal.equicty.com
  2. Click on the dashboard module
  3. Select the option you want via the drop-down selection field
  4. Then log in to the mobile app
  5. Refresh the dashboard by swiping from top to bottom on the dashboard
  6. The order of the horses will adjust according to the order set on portal.equicty.com