The information concerning your horses can be sometimes very sensitive as you increase your user base and this becomes more necessary to control permissions such as: Which team members should be allowed to add and/or update tasks? or Should everyone be allowed to delete information?

Administrators and managers can use this article to set access permissions for individual users. It's easy to give or deny access by following the navigation guidelines below:

Go to settings 

  1.     Select 'Users'
  2.     Scroll down to 'Permissions'
  3.     'Tick' the boxes you want to permit users access.

Control which actions your users have permission to access by ticking the boxes appropriately:

  • View (only) information from the related module depending on your selection (e.g training, health, breeding, competition etc)

  • Comment & execute maintenance tasks and any horse-related activity in the plan.

  • Add information, maintenance tasks, activities in horse planning, competitions, contacts, expenses, invoices etc.

  • Edit information, maintenance tasks, activities in horse planning, competitions, contacts, expenses, invoices etc.

  • Delete information, maintenance tasks, activities in the horse planning, competitions, contacts, expenses, invoices etc.